Derriere Phobics get a bum steer
An installation combining 3 cubic, introverted phobics in flat rectangular planes,with 23 derrieres, curvilinear, rococo, exuberant and voluptuous.
IT HAS VARIOUS LAYERS OF MEANING, and can be deconstructed in several ways. But basically it engages with the way BELIEF SYSTEMS influence our ways of seeing. And especially with prejudices and preconceived judgments about the body.
About the dichotomy of, on the one hand, seeing the fully nude human from in art as something noble, pure and godlike, “nuditas virtualis” as in Classical Greek and Renaissance philosophy. On the other hand, as something “rude” wrong and bad.
For further ideas and interpretations see "BLOG" underneath Earthmother.
An installation combining 3 cubic, introverted phobics in flat rectangular planes,with 23 derrieres, curvilinear, rococo, exuberant and voluptuous.
IT HAS VARIOUS LAYERS OF MEANING, and can be deconstructed in several ways. But basically it engages with the way BELIEF SYSTEMS influence our ways of seeing. And especially with prejudices and preconceived judgments about the body.
About the dichotomy of, on the one hand, seeing the fully nude human from in art as something noble, pure and godlike, “nuditas virtualis” as in Classical Greek and Renaissance philosophy. On the other hand, as something “rude” wrong and bad.
For further ideas and interpretations see "BLOG" underneath Earthmother.